Jahrgänge | |
Cahiers Charles de Foucauld | 1953-1956 |
Caritasblüten | 1930-1939 |
The Carolinian (Univ. of San Carlos/Cebu City) | 1948/49-1970/71 |
Catalyst | 1. 1971- 1&2. 2019 |
Catechetics India | 1983-2013 |
Catholic Action Bulletin (Accra) | 1954-1960 |
Catholic Fortnightly Review (Techny) | 1907-1928 |
Catholic International | 1990-2002 |
Catholic Missions (New York) | 1922-1950 |
Catholica (Wien) | 1958/59-1970 |
Catolicismo | 1947-1960 |
CCA News (Christian Conference of Asia) | 27-47. 1992-2012 |
Chakana | 1. 2003- 3. 2005 |
China heute | 1. 1982 ff. |
China Mission Year Book | 1911-1926 |
China Missionary (Bulletin) | 1928-1960 |
China News Analysis | 1953-1982 |
Chine, Ceylan, Madagascar | 1902-1938 |
The Chinese Recorder | 1916-1920 |
Le Christ au monde | 1955/56-1959 |
Christ to the World | 1955-2012 |
Christi Reich (Weiße Väter Luzern) | 1930-1949 |
Christi Reich in der Weltmission | 1953-1969 |
The Christian Family | 1906-1959 |
Der christliche Orient | 1902-1922 |
Cibedo | 1978-1999 |
CIEC (São Paulo) | 1976-1979 |
Clero e missioni | 1924-1968 |
Collectanea theologica (Warschau) | 60. 1990 ff. |
Collectanea über das Werk der Glaubensverbreitung | 1951-1955 |
Communicanda pro Vicariatu Apostolico de Yenchowfu | 1928-1950 |
Communicatio Socialis | 1968-2018 |
Communicatio Socialis Yearbook | 1981/82-1990 |
Compte rendu (MEP) | 1872-1976 |
Contacts (AGEH) | 8. 1973 - 41.2006.1-3, 42.2007.2/3 |
Il Cristoforo (SVD Varone) | 1952-1961 |
Cultures et développement | 1968-1974 |
Current History | 92. 1993-2003 |