Anlässlich seines Diamantenen Priesterjubiläums hat P. Ennio Mantovani SVD einige biographische Artikel zusammengestellt, die als eine Art von Autobiographie verstanden werden sollen.
Reflecting on my sixty years as priest and missionary I ask myself what were the principles that guided me: The most important principle has been the conviction that any cultural group I meet will be as intelligent and honest as myself. If I see something that for me does not make sense or I consider unethical it will be a sign that I miss something relevant and that I need to keep observing and reflecting. The second principle is that culture and religion are interlinked: if culture changes religion needs to change as well.
In the West we have undergone great cultural changes. My impression is, however, that religion has lost track of these changes. I have the impression that we intend to save our faith by holding on to the past and to the traditions.
Jesus promised us the Spirit “who will guide us on the way to the full truth.” We are on the way, leaving the security of the past, moving to an uncharted future, trusting in the Spirit who guides us.
Ennio Mantovani, SVD