Jahrgang | |
IDOC international bulletin | 1966-1981 |
Ikan (Redemptoristen Bonn) | 1968-1973 |
The Illustrated Catholic Missions | 1886-1913/14 |
Image | 1979-2008 |
Inculturation Korea | 1991-1995 |
The Indian Advocate | 1904-1909 |
The Indian Sentinel | 1902/03-1932/33 |
Indian Theological Studies | 27-42. 1990-2005 |
Die Indianerwache | 1903/04-1907 |
Indisch Missietijdschrift | 1917/18-1963 |
Indonesie | 1947/48-1957 |
Info-Dienst Lateinamerika (Aachen) | 1991-1993 |
Informatiedienst NMR | 1977-1981 |
Information Service (Secr. for Christian Unity) | 1984-2012 |
Informations catholiques internaionales | 1956-1973 |
Informationsdienst (KNO) | 1979-1991 |
Informativo CELA | 1974-1993 |
Interkulturelle Theologie | 1. 1975 ff. |
International Bulletin of Missionary Research | 1. 1977 ff. |
International Journal of Asian Christianity | 1. 2018 ff. |
International Review of Mission | 1. 1912 ff. |
Internationaler Fidesdienst s. Fidesdienst | |
Internationales Afrikaforum | 1965-2004 |
Internationales Asienforum | 5. 1974 ff. |
Inter-Religio | 1982-2005 |
Ishvani Documentation & Mission Digest | 1. 1983 ff. |